Growing with the Web



I just received my new Nexus 10 and am loving it. As usual when it comes to setting up Android development, I had a few issues. It was really never the smoothest process in my experience, at least it’s nice and smooth for the most part when it’s all up and running. Not many relevant results came through so here’s how I got it up and running under Windows 8.


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Heapsort is an O(n \log n) sorting algorithm that works by first constructing a heap out of the list and repeatedly pulling the root off the top of the heap and reconstructs it until there are no items left in the heap. The values that are pulled off of the top of the heap come out in sorted order. If the heap used was a min-heap, the resulting list will be in ascending order, and a max-heap will give them in descending order.

Have you ever started working on a giant project containing many JavaScript files and needed to find out what some random button is doing? A pretty easy way to find out is to enable the mouse click’s event listener breakpoint in the Chrome developer tools. This will break execution when you next click on the page allowing you to step into the code seeing exactly what is happening.